Ash Content Measurement
Conveyor Belt Ash & CV Instrument Analyser - Heat Eye Series
Conveyor Belt Ash Instrument Analyser - Ash Eye Series
Fixed Laboratory Ash Instrument Analyser - Lab Ash Series
Portable Ash Instrument Analyser - Ash Probe Series
Portable Contamination Analyser - Gamma Eye Series
Ash content measurement is one of the most crucial parts of producing food. Any food product that is circulating in the market has its unique content. These products usually contain both organic and inorganic components, which is what you will be able to differentiate by measuring its ash content.
Measuring the ash content in the food is important because of several reasons. The most obvious reason is that you will be able to determine how much of the food you will not be able to digest. That way, you will be able to determine the quality of the food.
If you own a food production company, you need to learn how to control the quality of the food that you are producing. One way to control the quality of your food is by measuring the content of the ash in the food. That way, you will be able to produce high-quality food with as little as much inorganic matter as possible.
Without further ado, we are going to tell you everything there is to know about measuring ash content in your food. On top of that, we will also mention why measuring the ash content is a very important step that you need to take as a food production company.
What is Ash Content Measurement?
Before we talk further about the benefits of measuring the ash content in your food, let’s talk about what this process is. Essentially, ash content measurement is the process of burning food samples that you plan on producing in your company. However, this burning process does not destroy any mineral within the food, allowing you to analyze the food based on the minerals that you will find in the results.
In the burning process, a food manufacturer will use machinery that can burn the food samples while leaving the minerals intact. This process is a very integral part that every food manufacturer needs to have. Why? Simply because it will help the manufacturer monitor and control the quality of the food.
One of the most important factors that you need to consider before you measure the ash content in the food is the moisture content of the food. How much moisture you have in the food will determine the shelf life of that food. On top of that, moisture will also determine the beauty of the food. Foods with the right amount of moisture manage to look good, even if you place them on the shelf for a long time.
Testing both the moisture and ash content in the food should become a priority if you own a food manufacturing company. Luckily for you, measuring the ash content in food can be very easy and quick with the help of equipment provided by Parker Distributor Indonesia.
Why Measure the Ash Content?
Now that you know what ash measurement is, you need to know why you should do it. Well, the easiest answer is because it allows you to determine the quality of your food. And once you have determined the quality, you will be able to take actions to improve and control the quality of your food. That way, you will be able to build a reliable food manufacturing company.
However, the reason behind why you should measure the ash content of your food is way more than that. It will also help to know why measuring the ash content in your food becomes an effective way to determine the quality of the food.
If you are familiar with chemistry, you probably know that we get energy from our food thanks to the chemical reactions that happen while we are consuming it. A very unique discovery is the fact that the chemical reactions that happen while you eat your food are very similar to ones that happen while you burn that food in oxygen.
When you consume your food, you will not be able to digest some parts of the food. The same thing happens when you burn your food in the ash measurement process. Some parts of the food will not burn. These parts might include things such as bones. So, when you burn your food, the indigestible parts will become ash.
You can safely say that the ash that is left in the burning process corresponds to the parts of the food that you cannot digest. So, the more ash you can find after your burn the food, the more indigestible parts that the food has. This test is pretty interesting because it will help you analyze any kind of food and determine whether or not the food contains proper nutrition.
For example, if you want to analyze the indigestible parts of a hot dog, you need to do the ash content measurement test with the proper equipment. Then, you will be able to measure the percent of ash as the result of the test.
The indigestible part of the hot dog usually comprises 2-5% of the hot dog. However, it will depend on the type and the brand of the hot dog. With the proper equipment, you will be able to analyze all of the components that you can find in the food. Water usually makes up around 50% of a hot dog. Point is, each value that you measure will tell you a new fact about the hot dog itself.
Ash Measurement and Nutrition
So, why would you measure the amount of ash in your food? Well, as we have mentioned before, the amount of ash in your food will determine the number of indigestible parts in your food. These indigestible parts can tell you how much nutrition you can find in the food.
Measuring the ash content in your food will help you determine the physicochemical properties of the food. On top of that, you will also be able to determine how much nutrition people can get from your food. You can also tell how many minerals you can find in the food. Minerals are crucial because they can slow the growth of microorganisms in your food.
In the end, measuring the ash content in your food is very beneficial. Yet you need the best equipment to be able to do so. And that is essentially everything you need to know about ash content measurement.